Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aku memohon kepadaMu

Aku memohon kepadaMu wahai Pemilik hati dan jiwa sekalian manusia.

Aku memohon kepadaMu wahai Pemilik syurga dunia dan akhirat.

Sejak daripada kecil, aku sudah menyaksikan betapa ibuku teguh bertarung dengan dugaan hidup yang getir.

Sejak usia beliau yang masih muda hinggalah ke hari tuanya, ibuku telah ditakdirkan menghadapi ujian hidup yang bersuramkan air mata.

Lantas, aku memohon kepadaMu ya Allah, jadikanlah ibuku calon penghuni syurgaMu.

Aku memohon kepadaMu ya Allah agar ibuku didampingi insan mulia lagi tabah iaitu wanita syurga Siti Hajar (ibu kepada Nabi Ismail) dan Siti Mariam (ibu kepada Nabi Isa).

Aku memohon kepadaMu ya Allah agar ibuku Kau bahagiakan di dunia dan akhirat terutama sekali di akhirat kelak iaitu syurga idaman kami.

Ibuku seorang wanita yang terlalu tabah dan amat pemaaf.

Kau ampunilah dosa-dosanya dan Kau redhailah dirinya.

Aku memohon kepadaMu ya Allah... muliakanlah ibuku dan tempatkanlah beliau di syurgaMu bersama Siti Hajar dan Siti Mariam kerana mereka merupakan golongan ibu yang sangat mulia di mataku.

Perkenankanlah doa hambaMu ini ya Allah.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban 2009

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban 2009 merupakan sebuah filem yang telah menyentap sanubariku dengan jalan ceritanya dan isu-isu berat yang menjerat lagi menyengat.

Dalam sebuah babak, ada terungkap sebuah ayat yang ringkas tetapi mempunyai makna yang kemas sewaktu watak Annisa membaca kata-kata yang tertulis itu di sehelai kertas yang dikirimkan oleh watak Khudori kepadanya.

Berikut merupakan ayat yang dimaksudkan.

"Jangan sebut aku perempuan sejati jika hidup hanya berkalang lelaki, tapi bukan berarti aku tidak butuh lelaki untuk aku cintai." (Nyai Ontosoroh)

:) Indah bukan?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Deep Connection

'People may come and go in our lives, but with some we share a deep connection and bond. We know their support is constant and unconditional. And just as they are there for us, so we are there for them. When our heart centres are open and energy flows between two friends, we feel the spark of a kindred spirit. We feel the need to find others with whom we can be completely authentic, with whom we can communicate in confidence: share our secrets, even our shame and our fears. They provide validation and are one of our front-line defences during difficult periods. When you connect with someone on a level of deep trust, you have created a support system, a place of safety - and someone to have fun with, too! Life changes and friendships evolve, but the friend who is genuine is a constant in your life.

Our world is, in a sense, framed by the friends we choose. No friend will ever be completely perfect, but then of course neither are we! However, sometimes we find ourselves with friend who takes from us without giving back, who depletes our energy and holds us back from fulfilling our potential. Avoid negative energy, and when your instincts prompt you to pull back from a partcular friendship, follow your heart and do so.

As you follow a path of increasing awareness, you may realize that some of your old friends don't suit you anymore - they may seem petty, or superficial. One of my students asked me about this recently. She was worried because she didn't want to go out drinking with her friends anymore, or to waste time talking about rubbish. But when you're growing, that's what happens: it's like shedding an old skin. Sometimes it's just temporary, while you make your transition. While you're still learning, you're so excited by the changes in yourself you want to shake people and say, "Look! There is another way!" So you go preaching to everyone, and they think, "Oh, she's gone a bit weird." Suddenly you don't seem fit in with your old friends. But keep up your learning, and you'll get to a point where you no longer feel you have to preach. You're calm, more content. You don't try to convince people of anything, yet they start saying, "You look great! What have you been doing?" And when you tell them, some of them will say. "Oh, I want that!"

While you're making changes in your life, it's great to be with people who are on the same level as you, going through the same transition. The close friends we've been discussing don't come along every day. But when your heart is open, you will be able to recognize and welcome the possibilities of these new, deeper connections. You will be able to trust the promptings of your heart and recognize a new soul-sister or soul-brother!'

(Written by Maya Fiennes) 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Aku merindui telefon bimbitku Nokia 5310 yang telah 'menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir' pada tahun lalu setelah aku terjatuh ke dalam laut di Pulau Pangkor.

Telefon bimbitku itu masih ada dalam simpananku kerana ternyata aku masih sayang kepadanya.

Namun begitu telefon bimbit itu sudah tentunya tidak dapat berfungsi lagi.


Nokia 5310 menjadi kepunyaanku pada penghujung 2007 (jika tidak silap pada bulan Disember) dan setia bersamaku hinggalah terjadinya tragedi yang 'meragut nyawanya' pada penghujung 2010 (jika tidak silap pada bulan Oktober).

Hampir tiga tahun Nokia 5310 itu bersamaku.

Sampai di situ sahaja kenangan kita bersama kerana takdir 'pemergianmu' telah ditetapkan.