Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dialog yang bernas daripada drama Korea: Fiery Priest (Episod 1)

Dialog 1

Watak 1: ... why do you come to church to ask for forgiveness? Go to the people you did ill to and ask for their forgiveness first. Don't be just all talk. Scrape out the bottom of your heart as you would scrape out a scorched pan and go apologize to them. It needs to be approved by the people you did ill to in order to be approved by God. Can we approve it on their behalf? No way. Why? Because we don't do approvals. We only deliver the documents.

Dialog 2

Watak 2: ... I got cranky at my work colleagues, and I spoke carelessly too.

Watak 1: Did you apologize to your colleagues and ask for forgiveness?

Watak 2: No.

Watak 1: Go and sincerely ask for their forgiveness. You can go now.

Watak 2: You want me to just go?

Watak 1: Yes.

Watak 2: But Father. Won't you give me penance or any advice?

Watak 1: No, think about what you did wrong and come back later.

Dialog 3

Watak 1: ... People like you go to churches, cathedrals, and temples. They donate a lot of money and commit a lot of sins. But they actually come to feel better about themselves. They don't care about people whom they hurt at all.

Watak 2: I'm not hurting anyone, Father.

Watak 1: Anyway, sister. Putting holy water on your forehead won't automatically get you to heaven. Those who go to churches to commit sins comfortably can't go to heaven even if they bathe in holy water. Do you understand?

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