Sunday, December 13, 2020

Inspiring and Impactful: Dr Romantic 2


The last episode is as compelling as the first episode.

I am done with all 33 episodes of Dr Romantic 2 in Viu.

An inspiring and impactful Korean drama indeed.

Thumbs up to the brilliant writer - a lady named Kang Eun Kyung for such a beautiful story or stories as well as the well-written script.

The conflicts and closure is meaningful to learn from.

The character, characterization and character arc is meaningful too, especially when one of the villain characters unexpectedly learn from his own shortcoming and eventually made a wise choice.

Unlike Flower of Evil which ended with the last episode that is not fulfilling (because the main character lost part of his memory and that part is actually the most crucial), Dr Romantic 2 ended beautifully for almost everyone except the main villain character.

The truth is the drama is enriching throughout.

If there is an award for the best drama in 2020, I would opt for Dr Romantic 2 among others.

I watched one drama with the same theme before this that is Hospital Ship (because the main character is my favorite Ha Ji Won) but in the end, I did not finish the whole series as the drama was not engaging.

Therefore, thumbs up to Dr Romantic 2 for such an inspiring and impactful masterpiece.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The anchor of the team in Criminal Minds and Dr Romantic 2


In Criminal Minds, the anchor of the investigation team from NCI is Kang Ki Hyung (on the left). Even though the story is dull and the characters are not developed in-depth, their acting is awesome. There is not much of chemistry between the anchor and other characters even though they communicated a lot throughout the story. The team work is evident. However, the connection is not being portrayed. Perhaps, the writing (script / story line) and the directing of this story has not been successful.    

Whereas the anchor of the medical team from Doldam Hospital is Boo Yong Joo who is amicably known as Master Kim (in the center). The story is excellent and the characters are crafted very well. For the fact that both the newbies in Doldam Hospital have character flaws right from the start that is Cha Eun Jae have anxiety and phobia being in operation room while Seo Woo Jin has a bad reputation and is in debt. Master Kim was the person who lifted them up even though he was rather harsh to them! I like the story, script and challenges that they have to face every single day at the hospital. In fact, the chemistry between Master Kim and all other characters are evident and heartfelt. They are not simply communicating like the characters in Criminal Minds. The characters in Dr Romantic 2 connect at personal level. That is the beauty of this drama - Dr Romantic 2. Thumbs up to the scriptwriter and director!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

From Criminal Minds to Dr. Romantic 2

I am done and over with 20 episodes of Criminal Minds.

That particular K drama about crime and investigation is not an enjoyable one even though it is interesting especially when the detectives outlined the psychological research.

Of course I appreciate the psychological research a lot.

In fact, I appreciate the initiative by the writer to include back stories of the criminals.

However, the drama is too stressful to watch from one episode to another, from one case to another, from one criminal to another.

We can see the characters of the detectives on the surface but not much of the in-depth characterization of them.

Therefore, I will never re-watch Criminal Minds.

Even though Flower of Evil shares the same theme and same main casts (Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won) with Criminal Minds, I would not mind re-watching Flower of Evil as I love the story.

The main and supporting characters and their characterization in Flower of Evil is well-crafted to the point that even the character of the only child in that story melts your heart.

Now, I am watching Dr. Romantic 2 from Viu.

I believed there is Dr. Romantic 1 and I need to find out later when I am done with the current one which consist of 33 episodes.

The first episode of Dr. Romantic 2 is well-done - be it the characters (Yong Joo / Master Kim and Woo Jin), conflict (more than one right from the start) and drama!

So, Dr. Romantic 2 is a must-watch for me since I do not like Healer right from the first episode.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Drama Korea 2020 yang aku sukai: Flower of Evil

Walaupun Empress Ki merupakan drama Korea yang sangat aku sukai sejak menontonnya pada awal tahun 2020 (Aku mula terpandang episod pertengahan drama ini di Facebook dan terus mengikuti episod demi episod), aku juga mengiktiraf sebuah lagi drama yang lebih ringkas tetapi sangat menarik iaitu Flower of Evil. 

Sebenarnya, drama Empress Ki mula ditayangkan pada 2013. Namun, hanya aku ketahui dan ikuti drama ini pada tahun ini. Drama fiksyen sejarah ini terlalu hebat sehingga aku menonton Empress Ki berulang-ulang kali kerana terkesima dengan watak-watak dan jalan cerita berlatarkan zaman dahulu, khususnya pada zaman dinasti Yuan yang hampir ranap. Bahkan, watak utama Empress Ki memberikan inspirasi dalam menongkah arus kehidupan yang penuh dengan gelombang cabaran. 

Pada bulan November sehingga kini, aku telah menonton beberapa buah drama Korea. Aku mulai dengan Empress Ki sekali lagi meskipun drama ini telah aku tontoni pada awal tahun dan telah aku ulangi beberapa kali sebelum November. Kemudian aku tontoni drama berjudul Kkondae, Cinderella and Four Knights, The Penthouse (masih ditayangkan), Please Don't Date Him (masih ditayangkan) dan Flower of Evil. Drama Korea 2020 yang berjaya membuat aku terkesima bahkan menyentuh emosiku ialah Flower of Evil. Mesej kemanusiaan yang dirungkai dalam drama Flower of Evil sangat meninggalkan kesan.

Flower of Evil berkisar tentang dua watak utama yang merupakan pasangan suami isteri iaitu Baek Hee Sung dan Cha Ji Won. Kehidupan rumahtangga mereka yang romantik dan penuh dengan kasih sayang dan sikap ambil berat ternyata adalah asas rumahtangga yang bahagia. Namun, si isteri iaitu seorang detektif tidak pernah mengetahui latar belakang sebenar suaminya yang mempunyai sejarah hidup yang penuh dengan kegelapan. Oleh sebab pasukan detektif yang dianggotai oleh Cha Ji Won perlu menyiasat kes lama yang terjadi 18 tahun yang lalu iaitu pembunuhan bersiri yang kejam, sejarah masa lalu Baek Hee Sung telah turut terkait. Maka, konflik pun bermula. Paling menarik ialah suami isteri ini saling mencatur permainan minda untuk memerangkap, membongkar, menyembunyikan kebenaran, melarikan diri dan mempertahankan diri sebagai sepasang detektif dan penjenayah.

Sejak awal lagi, Baek Hee Sung tidak pernah mengejar cinta Cha Ji Won. Si gadis ini yang telah memburu cinta Baek Hee Sung. Namun kini, si isteri perlu mengejar dan memburu si suami atas dasar tanggungjawab dan amanahnya sebagai seorang detektif. Si suami yang benar-benar baik budi, penyayang, pengasih dan bertanggungjawab kini perlu mempertahankan dirinya dengan terus menyembunyikan kebenaran di samping melarikan diri daripada situasi.  

Nikmat Bahagia: Hujan, Kemaafan dan Keputusan


Daku dikurniakan nikmat rasa bahagia pada ketika ini.

Seperti watak Cha Ji Won dalam drama Korea yang amat aku sukai iaitu Flower of Evil yang berasa bahagia apabila turunnya hujan, begitu juga diriku pada waktu ini.

Nikmat hujan sedang mencurah-curah membasahi bumi Jurong East sewaktu aku menaip pos ini.

Sebenarnya, daku bahagia kerana menerima panggilan daripada Josh yang meminta maaf atas kesilapannya.


Sebagai insan yang tidak terlepas daripada berbuat kesalahan, aku juga meminta maaf atas tindakanku.

Aku juga mengirim mesej Whatsapp kepada ibunya setelah sekian lama hubungan kami terputus.

Inisiatif ibunya kuanggap lahir daripada hati yang tulus.

Meminta maaf dan memaafkan ialah nikmat dalam kehidupan.


Josh memaklumkan kepadaku bahawa dia memperoleh gred A untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu.

Begitu juga dengan Trev yang mengirim mesej Whatsapp kepadaku untuk memaklumkan bahawa dia memperoleh gred A untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu.

Nikmat untuk mereka berdua adalah nikmat untukku juga.

Tiga nikmat ini menguntumkan rasa bahagia bagi insan kerdil bernama Nuraini.


Nikmat hujan yang mensejahterakan.

Nikmat kemaafan yang menenangkan.

Nikmat keputusan peperiksaan yang cemerlang.

Terima kasih wahai Tuhan yang melimpahkan nikmat kepada hamba-hambaNya.