Sunday, February 26, 2023

Deeply depressing ending

Downright depressing.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

Cruel I would say.
My heart and mind are in chaos with such an ending.
I can't swallow let alone chew the fact that the script writer ended the story in such a way.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

It is too unfair for the main character who has been the anchor throughout the life drama.
In the end, he is pushed to the edge of the cliff - loneliness.
Loneliness is too painful.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

Start Up is a fictional drama of course but the impact of such an ending is too heartbreaking for us who empathize with people who are struggling with loneliness in real life.
Pain of loneliness in real life is already too much to endure and what we need as audiences is a comforting ending.
If a selfless person is left to being lonely again - that is a selfish decision by the script writer or producer or director or whoever is the one who decides the ending.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

Perhaps, this is the harsh truth about real life that a comforting ending may not be it.
When I mention 'a comforting ending', I mean to at least witness Han Ji Pyeong being surrounded with love, compassion and care.
If he did not get to be with the girl whom he loves wholeheartedly, at least let him discover His Creator's Utmost Love, Utmost Compassion and Utmost Care for him.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Sandarkan mereka yang kesepian pada tembokMu yang Kau bina dengan kelembutan kasih sayangMu, wahai Ya Latiif.
Bahagiakan mereka yang kesepian dalam dakapan rahmat kasih sayangMu yang Maha Mengerti Maha Memahami, wahai ya Rauuf.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

I feel depressed with such cruel and unfair ending for the main character - Han Ji Pyeong.
Han Ji Pyeong is not just a fictional character - actually.
Han Ji Pyeong represents loners in this real life.

Astaghfirullahal adzim.

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